Friday, August 23, 2013

Hello from London!

Anna and I got to London this morning and immediately went to the Tate Modern which was really cool! Then we took the metro to see Big Ben/westminster abbey and are eating lunch at a pub. We are going to walk to buckingham palace and traflagar square next and then will probably head back to the airport. We are pushing through the jet lag and will arrive in South Africa tomorrow morning!! 

Fish&chips (and beer) for lunch

Thames River

Bad picture of Big Ben


  1. Wow! That's awesome! You guys are really getting to see a lot in the short time you're there. How was the fish and chips? Nothing like some greasy food and a beer to get through jet lag! You should have like 4 more at the airport before you get on your flight to get things started on the right note. :)

  2. Also, Anna put it very well "if you can figure out how to use the metro system in one day, the city is too boring to spend a whole semester there" - so London is awesome, but we are excited to get to South Africa!! The fish and chips were good (had to try it in London)! Haha and we probably will have extra £ (pounds) leftover so we can buy drinks at the airport. :)

  3. Looks like your big adventure is off to a great start. I'm so excited to follow your blog and I miss you already knowing you are now in a different continent just when I am getting back to the US :(
